在布雷西亚大学,教育不仅仅是获得文凭. 这是关于改变的-布雷西亚改变. Brescia University makes a difference in the futures of our 学生 by providing an affordable, 质量, 文科教育, 使他们能够实现有意义的事业和充实的个人生活.
Brescia University shares in the teaching mission of Christ, emphasizing 服务 and 领导. 以乌尔苏拉传统为基础, 布雷西亚通过思想教育而与众不同, body, 和精神,通过挑战学术, 冠军运动员, 全面的学生生活.
Whether benefitting from the small class size on campus or taking advantage of the flexibility of online learning with BUonline, 学生 experience the difference that a Brescia University education delivers, 无论是在教室里还是在教室外. 布雷西亚提供助理, 学士, and graduate degrees- with generous academic 奖学金 available – to fulfill a wide range of educational pursuits.
Brescia University 学生 are instilled with the resolve to lead generous lives of 服务 and 领导, 为他们的社区带来改变, 反过来, 世界.